On Demand

Welcome, we hope you enjoy the content on this page that you have booked. Want to know what else is on offer? Visit our What's On ... demand page here. 

If you're event is a scheduled event with a start time, be sure to refresh this page after this time to enjoy the show. 

How to log in

Log in here to access any On Demand content you have booked. You should use the same login information you used to book. if you cannot remember your password, you can reset your password here. Please note, this is the login page for the booking system, remember to come back here once you have your new password. 

You can also log in here without booking an on-demand event, you will still be able to see a video for you to test if you can view on your device.

Viewing content

On the video player that will appear, there a few controls. 


  1. The arrow on the left is the PLAY (and PAUSE) button
  2. There is a time bar
  3. Volue control (you can also use to mute)
  4. Captions or Settings (for video quality or turning captions on)
  5. Full Screen View (press ESC to go back to a window)

When captions are available, you will see a CC icon, and you can choose to have no captions or turn them on by selecting the language. They may not appear on the videos automatically. 

Make sure you have a reliable internet connection, and see this list of Vimeo’s recommended browsers.

Need more help?

If you have any problems logging in or you do not see a video you expect to, please contact the Sales and Information team on 01332 255 800 or by email.